Five Self-Care Practices You Can Do At Home

Five Self-Care Practices You Can Do At Home

Self-care is crucial for all of us in order to keep up with our mental health. However, being home can make self-care seem difficult, especially when our normal self-care activities, such as going to the gym or having a spa day, are not an option. Here are some ways to help keep up with self-care practices during times of social distancing.

1. Get Moving with Yoga

Yoga is a mind-body practice that focuses on connecting with our body through mindful movement. Not only can this help to improve balance and strength for our bodies, it also promotes a calm, centered mental space. Many yoga videos are available for free online, and many yoga centers are offering online yoga classes.

2. Pick up a Book

Reading is an excellent way to relax and get whisked away into a different world. Look up a new book series and set aside some time each day to read. Getting through a book will not only help with relaxation, but also help you to feel a sense of accomplishment. Don’t have access to paper books? Many libraries have ebooks available to rent for free with a library card!

3. Have an At-Home Spa Day

Who says you can’t have a spa day at home? Setting aside a day to put on some relaxing music, take a bath, and throw on a face mask is an easy way to promote relaxation and stress-reduction.

4. Spend Time Outside

Getting fresh air and some sunlight can greatly help improve our moods. Spending some time sitting outside, walking around the neighborhood, or going on any open hikes helps us to get some activity and help us to reduce stress.

5. Have a Movie or TV Night

Starting a new TV series or watching a movie can help to redirect our focus and turn our brains off for a moment. You can jazz up the experience by having movie theater snacks and inviting friends to watch the movie with you via an online platform!

Why is Self-Care Important?

Self-care is an ongoing practice in order to help you recharge. Finding ways to incorporate self-care practices into your regular routine is beneficial in helping promote relaxation, prioritize your mental health, and work to prevent becoming overwhelmed and burnt out by all of life’s stresses. What are some of your favorite self-care practices? How can you fit regular self-care practices into your routine?